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Democrat Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris has bluntly expressed her anti-second amendment views. She showed her disbelief in the second amendment that protects people’s right to keep and bear guns. Democratic and media hubs are trying to defend Senator Harris. Several media handles and social media handles are now convincing people by white-washing Harris’s comments on gun confiscation.

Democrats have been targeting some really crucial and gruel some issues to attract left-wing supporters. There have been a lot of sensitive issues that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris addressed to seek run tickets for November’s election. One of such matter is gun confiscation policy that has been disguised by Democrat VP Kamala Harris as gun safety policy.

Doesn’t matter what these self-proclaimed fact-checkers claim but Harris explicitly supports gun confiscation. During an interview, she avidly said that she is prepared to take executive action to put in place rules to improve this situation. The situation she was referring to arm licensing. However, it was vague whether she is planning to do so by legislation or executive order. In any case, this wasn’t denial at all. She showed her disbelief in US legislation and amendments.

Kamala Harris made her career by locking up Black people in the Bay Area. Her track record consists of terrorizing Black communities through the prison industrial complex. She then became the top cop of California. Her track record consists of rampant anti-Blackness.

She couldn’t even deny her support for unilaterally creating a national database of gun owners. There have been several events during which Harris has promptly promoted gun confiscation. Democrat-sponsored media hubs are trying to rectify her image by their misleading and unconvincing headlines and explanations. Harris is a profound defender and promoter of gun confiscation. She is prepared to make guns illegal and introducing a buyback scheme.

Being an anti-second amendment, there have been occasions on which Harris vehemently favoured buyback program. To exemplify, in 2019, she attended an event disguised as “gun safety” to promote the scheme. As per her estimation, there are over 10 million assault weapons for which she proposed her so-called smart public policy of taking back licensed guns from American homes. She also debated about the circumventing legislation for strict gun policy.

Notably, Harris first wanted to appear as a presidential candidate but due to her controversial and explicit criminal justice record, she had to drop her plan. At that time, she evidently warned Americans of passing executive order for gun confiscation and buyback scheme if elected as a president. Her addresses & statements clearly represented her dictator image. She could easily be an unfathomable dictator of the US instead of President. Even after that, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden chose her as a running mate which reflects the mindset of all the Democrats quite evidently.

California senator Harris had already implemented police to restrict gun ownership by visiting gun owners. This is what she wants to do with the rest of the nation and just one state. This will not be a mere implementation but compellation as police will be visiting nation-wide door-to-door for the mandatory buyback program. Democrats refer to AR-15s as assault weapon which shares mechanism with almost all the semi-automated weapons. Hence, not just AR-15s many such weapons will get banned.

There are over 20 million such weapons in American homes for reasonable self-defence and these weapons are almost never been the crime guns on streets. Yet Democrat VP candidate sees it as an assault weapon and go-to firearm of crime scenes. Not to forget that Democrats have used gender equality, racial issues, women empowerment, and abortion as a ticket for a run. This time Joe Biden’s running mate Harris is targeting gun confiscation policy in the name of gun safety to befool people for upcoming elections.

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