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Trudeau Government To Ban Single Use Plastic Today

Trudeau Government To Ban Single Use Plastic Today

Trudeau government will soon ban the single-use plastics such as straws, cutlery, plates, balloon sticks, cotton swabs, drink stirrers etc. Canada PM Justin Trudeau and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna will announce the ban process today.

This process will follow the plastic ban approved by the EU in March. The government will determine the type of products to ban with the help of scientific and expert input. This ban i.e. band of certain single-use plastic will come into effect from the year 2021.

Maybe the banning process came into effect after the Philippines criticized Canada for its garbage rotting on Philippines land.

As per the EU approval, the Trudeau government will also ban oxo-degradable and non-biodegradable plastics will be banned. Fast food containers and cups made of expanded polystyrene will also face the ban.

Several countries such as the UK, EU, Canada, Germany and France signed the agreement to find the ways of treating marine plastic litters.

Earlier, Environment and Climate Change Canada commissioned Deloitte and ChemInfo Services concluded a report. The report says, in 2016, only 9% of plastic was recycled while 87% ended in landfills.

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ECCC says every day, Canadians throw away more than 34 billion plastic. Unfortunately, most of these plastic bags end up in the landfills. It will take more than 1,000 years to decay.

These plastic products also harm ocean waters, marine ecosystem and wildlife. This resulted in the death of many whales due to plastic.

In addition, the report shows that Canada’s plastics manufacturing industry produces $35 billion in sales. It also supports around 93,000 jobs among more than 1,900 companies.

The new plastic strategy will generate job and simultaneously will also reduce greenhouse gases.

Some municipalities are already trying to reduce the plastic waste but Canada needs it at a nationwide.

Trudeau and McKenna will announce the ban separately at two different places. Afterwards, the details are expected to be revealed completely.

Moreover, Ottawa is spending $1.14 million in order to bring back the garbage cargo containers to Canada for disposal from the Philippines.

So, this was everything the Trudeau Government to ban certain types of plastic. 😊

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