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Warriors Won NBA Finals Game 5 Against Raptors

Warriors Won NBA Finals Game 5 Against Raptors

Golden State Warriors defeated Toronto Raptors in NBA Finals Game 5 by 106-105 scores at Scotiabank Arena in downtown Toronto.

Remarkably, Stephen Curry led the game with 31. On the other hand, Klay Thompson followed him with 26 points.

Warriors coach Steve Kerr said, “Steph and Klay hit back to back threes I believe. We got stops. Our defence was bending down the stretch, but we didn’t break.”

Thompson appreciated composure of the team. He said, “I’m very proud of the way everyone fought tonight – even going down six with three minutes left, their ball. We didn’t panic. We just do what we do.”

Warriors led the NBA finals Game 5 in the third quarter. Nevertheless, their win is all due to the three-pointers.

Kawhi suggested that Raptors could have played better defence. He said, “We started to play a little better basketball. We’re going against a great team. We know they weren’t going to quit.”

Toronto Raptors coach Nick Nurse said, “They played their guts out. Kept on fighting and put themselves in a position to win it.”

Further, he said, “Our team has reacted all year long great to bad losses. I would say it takes a lot to beat this team and it took a hell of a lot of blows and a heck of a lot of balls bouncing the wrong way in the last couple of minutes for us to come out on the wrong side of it tonight.”

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Warriors forward i.e. Kevin Durant turned all eyes at him. He joined NBA finals Game 5 on Monday night. He was on rest due to this injury for more than one month.

But during the second quarter of the game, he again injured his calf. He scored 11 points in Game 5.

General Manager of Warriors, Bob Meyer said, “We felt good about the process. He was cleared to play tonight – that was a collaborative decision … I don’t believe there’s anybody to blame, but I understand this world. And if you have to, you can blame me. I run our basketball operations department.”

Furthermore, he said, “Kevin Durant loves to play basketball and the people who questioned whether he wanted to get back to this team were wrong.”

Moreover, Thompson said, “To be honest, it’s very deflating. It’s hard to even celebrate this win.”

Warrior coach Kerr said he genuinely appreciated the Raptors gesture as they tried to quite the crowd which was cheering after Durant injury.

In addition, Kerr said, “I think (Raptors) understood how serious it was … there was just a couple of minutes there where it all seemed so eerie and strange. I took a little bit for both teams to collect themselves.”

Notably, NBA Finals Game 6 will take place in Oakland on Thursday at 9 PM.

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