Written by 12:52 am Opinion, Politics Views: 45

Dominion of Canada – A Nation In Distress

8 years since liberals took office and Justin Trudeau became the most controversial Prime Minister of Canada.

As much as the politicians try to portray Canada as a democracy the more clear it becomes that it is not. Formerly known British North America Acts now called Constitution Act of 1867 cleverly does not mention the Phrase “Dominion”. When I became aware of this while reading history of Canada as an independent nation, this part stuck with me. So I started digging in to get to know the foundation of “The great north” , Canada. This word alone gives unlimited powers to the government to overrule any citizen’s rights. In other words , as Canadian politicians preach Canada is not a democracy.

Canadian voices are being suppressed by the politicians in power, making it difficult for citizens to have their concerns heard and respected. This is a troubling reality that has only been exacerbated by recent political developments, such as the introduction of laws which limit freedom of speech and censor social media users. Furthermore, political leaders often use intimidation tactics or manipulate information to stay in power, leaving citizens feeling powerless against their government. This has resulted in a lack of meaningful progress on many issues affecting Canada’s citizens and an absence of trust between citizens and politicians. The only way to break this pattern is for Canadians to become more actively involved in politics and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. Through collective efforts, Canadians can ensure that no voice gets silenced regardless of who holds political power.

It is indeed concerning that the liberal government has taken measures to further limit Canadians’ fundamental rights, such as making it illegal to defend oneself when being attacked by someone. This is a worrying departure from the fundamental values of freedom and justice that Canada has long prided itself on and is a clear violation of human rights. Furthermore, this law disproportionately impacts vulnerable populations such as Indigenous people and those living in poverty who are more likely to be victims of violence. It is essential for Canadians to take a stand against these kinds of oppressive laws and speak out against the erosion of their fundamental rights if they wish to ensure that their voices will be heard.

The recent incident in Ottawa, where protesters had their accounts frozen and were arrested for exercising their fundamental rights as an individual in a democracy, is just one example of how the Canadian government is actively suppressing freedom of speech. This egregious attack on our basic rights sends a chilling message to all Canadians that if we dare to voice our disagreement or dissent with the current authorities, then there will be severe repercussions. It also serves as a reminder that the Canadian government does not have absolute power and that citizens have an obligation to push back against laws or actions which infringe upon our civil liberties. Ultimately, it is essential for Canadians to protect their right to free expression if they wish to remain a vibrant and open democracy.

The recent incident in Ottawa, where protesters had their accounts frozen and were arrested for exercising their fundamental rights as an individual in a democracy, is just one example of how the Canadian government is actively suppressing freedom of speech. This egregious attack on our basic rights sends a chilling message to all Canadians that if we dare to voice our disagreement or dissent with the current authorities, then there will be severe repercussions. It also serves as a reminder that the Canadian government does not have absolute power and that citizens have an obligation to push back against laws or actions which infringe upon our civil liberties. Ultimately, it is essential for Canadians to protect their right to free expression if they wish to remain a vibrant and open democracy.

The controversial Bill C-17, which was pushed through by the Liberal government, has been criticized for its heavy-handed approach to removing gun rights from law-abiding and responsible owners, while offering no repercussions for illegal weapons owned by criminals. This has caused a great deal of distress among Canadians who rely on hunting as a way of life. Furthermore, statistics show that 99 percent of gun-related crimes are committed with guns smuggled illegally from the United States, yet Canadian laws fail to address this issue. As a result, criminal activity is often seen as having no consequences and creates an endless cycle of police arresting and releasing the same individuals without any effective measures being put in place as punishment. It is time for Canada to take real action in order to protect our citizens and prevent such illegal activities from occurring continuously.

It is no secret that the current federal Liberal administration has been marked by incompetence and scandal, with countless misbehaviors that would usually result in the dissolution of Parliament. In addition, Prime Minister Trudeau’s willful blindness, moral pretension and narcissistic self-aggrandizement are highly toxic and could potentially lead to further damage to the country and its citizens. To make matters worse, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh seems to waver in his stance on important issues, lacking any clear commitment or leadership. As Dr. Jordan Peterson has said: “it’s almost impossible to recover from the shock of one revealed misbehavior quick enough to process the next,” meaning Canadians could potentially be facing four more years of this kind of behaviors. It is essential for all citizens to take a stand against these kinds of practices if we wish to build a better future for ourselves and our country.

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