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Mueller Report Public Domain – Major Findings & Key Points Here

Mueller Report Public Domain - Major Findings & Key Points Here

Early morning, The Justice Department finally released the redacted version of special Counsel Robert Muller’s report. Mueller report is now available in public domain. Let’s dig through the Mueller Report Public Domain.

Previously, Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary of Mueller’s report. Afterwards, Trumps and republicans itself exonerate them.

This redacted version only contains some limited key points of the Russian collusion in the US election 2016 probe. Barr has submitted the report to US Congress whereas Democrats are still asking for the full investigation report.

Interestingly, this report has been made public and everyone can read it out. Here we are mentioning all the key points of the presented redacted report.

Mueller Report Public Domain – Major Findings:

If you also want to know all the events that took place during the whole investigation, just read on ahead:

  • First of all, Mueller was unable to conclude – The report says, “About the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred”. Mueller wasn’t able to conclude whether Trump holds charges of US elections 2016 collusion or not. Thus he neither exonerates nor accused Trump of any misdoing.
  • Failed Obstruction by Trump – According to the report, all the efforts by trump to obstruct justice as others refused to “carry out orders”.
  • Trump’s try to remove Mueller – The US president even tried to remove Mueller from the investigation. He directed White House lawyer Don McGahn to say that “Mueller had conflicts of interest and must be removed.” But, McGahn denied doing so.
  • Trump Campaign Acknowledgement – Trump campaign acknowledged benefits of Russia’s collusion in the US election 2016 but they refused to do so.
  • Trump not subpoenaed – As mentioned in the report, the special counsel could subpoena Donald Trump. Later on, they decided not to subpoena President as it will consequently delay the investigation. They also believed having enough pieces of evidence already.
  • Misled by Sara Sanders – The White House press secretary Sara Sanders in an interview, confessed misleading media about FBI Director firing. It was all bluff.

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  • F-bomb by President Trump – Trump slumber back his chair and said, “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.” He did so after acknowledging the appointment of Muller by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
  • Trump actions indicating obstruction – President Trump tried to misuse his power by delivering many public statements, comments and actions. All these could be considered obstruction efforts.
  • Investigation right of Congress – Special Counsel’s report laid out the whole case. Therefore, Congress is able to investigate Trump’s obstruction injustice. Congress can even take actions against him if found at fault.
  • Finding Clinton’s emails – As stated in the report, Trump publically asked Russia to hack opponent Hilary Clinton’s deleted email at a press conference on July 2016.
  • Other Possible collusion crimes – Mueller had also looked upon other potential collusion and crimes and not just Russia election collusion. These include campaign finance law crimes and individuals trying to work as an illegal foreign agent for the Russian government.
  • Investigation of rumoured compromising tapes of Trump – Robert Mueller also investigated whether Trump came to know about the existence of compromising tapes of him made years ago when he visited Moscow, during presidential elections.

Mueller Report Public Domain – Key Points:

All these important aspects lead to some really precise key points which are as follows. Just go ahead for a sneak peek.

  1. Trump campaign did seek for Russia help but didn’t intrigue.
  2. US President asked for campaign aides to find Hilary Clinton’s emails.
  3. Mueller didn’t actually and completely exonerates Trump on the objection.
  4. Campaign aides refused to help Trump in obstruction efforts.
  5. All the answers of Trump were inadequate to Mueller’s questions.
  6. Special Counsel couldn’t prove Trump Jr. “willfully” broke the law with the Trump Tower meeting.
  7. Hope Hicks and Ivanka knew that Donald Jr. was seeking dirt on Clinton.
  8. Trump did mislead public but couldn’t label it as a crime.
  9. State Secretary tried to mislead media about FBI Director firing.
  10. Trump dropped F-bomb after Mueller’s appointment.

Hopefully, now you have got to know everything about Mueller Report Public Domain. This was the redacted version of his whole investigation of Trump and Russia’s collusion in the US elections 2016.

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