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US Mexico Agreement – Final Terms Within 90 Days

US Mexico Agreement - Final Terms Within 90 Days

US Mexico migrant conflict is increasing day by day. Mexico now agreed to take some unrivalled steps to curb the number of migrants seeking refugee status from the US. The nation did so as threatened by US President Trump’s trade tariffs. Here we will discuss a little about US Mexico Agreement.

Trump informed people about the deal via Twitter. He suspends the tariffs indefinitely only if Mexico curbs the migrants’ number. He also threatened to impose 5% import duties rising every month until or unless Mexico takes action against asylum seekers coming to the US.

Astoundingly, the tariffs will keep on increasing each month until it reaches 25% in October.

On Monday, tariffs will come to effect. Mexico Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard also confirmed the deal via Twitter.

The deal took place after three days of negotiations. Washington wants Mexico to crackdown the asylum seekers’ numbers. Mexico is also one of the largest trade partners of the US just after Canada and China. But the country is also in trade between China and Canada.

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In this US Mexico agreement, Mexico agreed to take decisive action in tackling human smuggling networks. The nation will also deploy National Guard throughout the country from Monday, pledging up to 6,000 additional troops along Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala.

On the other hand, the US agreed to expand the program of sending asylum seekers back to Mexico whilst they awaited reviews of their claims in return. America would also work to accelerate the adjudication process.

Noticeably, both the nations pledged to strengthen bilateral co-operation over border security with information sharing.

Reportedly, the decision will still take place regarding the declaration. They will announce the final terms of US Mexico agreement within 90 days after the acceptation.

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